const creates read-only reference and not the immutable value

I see many JavaScript developers have started replacing var with const just because some linter forces them to do so.

const in JavaScript is not only blocked scope but also const variable cannot be reassigned with new content.

It creates readonly reference. It means you cannot reassign value to the const variable. It does not guarantees immutability of the content that it holds.

const person = { name: 'John Doe', age: 33};
person = { name: 'John'} 
// Above line will throw Uncaught TypeError: 
// Assignment to constant variable.

// However, you can change the content of object
// that is referenced by person variable.
person.age = 40;  

So, If you really want to mark your object as immutable then use some other API’s like `Object.freeze`.

There are specific use cases about const variable. Make sure you are intentionally marking some variable as const and not because some linter has that rule.